Charlee Turns One {Lubbock, Texas Photography}
/Little Miss Charlee is turning ONE!!! Such a cutie!
Beckham {Lubbock, Texas Baby Photographer}
/My goodness does this family make CUTE babies!!
Little baby boy with set of blocks, Lubbock, Texas photography studio
Huckson {Lubbock, Texas Baby Photography}
/Oh, Huckson!! How did you get so big so fast???
Kylen {Lubbock Family Photographer}
/This sweet family celebrates little Kylen’s FIRST birthday!!
Boydy {Lubbock, Texas Baby Photographer}
/Hole in ONE, Boydy celebrates his FIRST birthday!!
Halle {Lubbock, Texas Baby Photography}
/So excited to share this sweet session of Miss Halle!
Brixyn {Lubbock, Texas Baby Photographer}
/Brixyn celebrates her half birthday!
Shelby {Lubbock, Texas One Year Photographer}
/I just LOVE getting to photograph these Grow With Me babies! Shelby is having her first birthday soon and I’ve loved watching her grow!
Here’s our little cutie at 7 months
And here she is at just a few days old.
Joni + Stella {Lubbock, Texas Photographer}
/These cousins obviously enjoy each other. So fun to shoot this session!
Evelyn {Lubbock, Texas 1st Birthday Photography}
/Sweet little Evelyn is celebrating her FIRST birthday!! Happy birthday, sweet pea!
Kayleigh & Jackson {Lubbock, Texas Children's Photographer}
/These two were such a treat to have in the studio. Kayleigh and Jackson!
Wreckyr {Lubbock, Texas Baby Photographer}
/This little guy is baby #5 to one of my favorites families! His mom makes a trip to Lubbock just about every year so we can hang out and of course, do a few pictures of her beautiful kiddos.
My boys had so much fun with these girls! We always have the best time when they’re in town.
Olivia {Lubbock, Texas Baby Photographer}
/Olivia celebrates her very first birthday!!