Matthew Twins Birth ~Lubbock, Texas Birth Photography~

I recently had the chance to photograph my very first birth!! I can't tell you how nervous I was waiting for that phone call that it was time. More nervous than I was having my own babies!!

Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, Lubbock, Texas

Lea was a true champ!! After 30 something hours of induced labor not going anywhere, the doctors decided it was time to do a c-section.

Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, twins, operating room, Lubbock, Texas

The operating room was packed with medial personal. Lea was having twins so 2 NICU teams, plus all the students since it's a teaching hospital. Standing room only.

Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, twins, operating room, Lubbock, Texas

Jakob was the first born and he was having a little trouble breathing on his own, but those nurses and doctors were on it!

Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, twins, operating room, Lubbock, Texas

Audrey let EVERYONE know when she was out. She's got some spunk!

Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, twins, operating room, Lubbock, Texas
Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, twins, operating room, Lubbock, Texas
Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, twins, operating room, Lubbock, Texas
Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, twins, operating room, Lubbock, Texas

Mom got to hold little Audrey right away, but Jakob had to stay in the NICU for a few days. Dad made sure to take a pic on his phone so she could see him.

Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, twins, operating room, Lubbock, Texas
Birth photography, doctors, nurses, UMC, father, mother, pregnancy, twins, operating room, Lubbock, Texas