Jordan Girls ~Lubbock, Texas Child Photographer~

The Jordan sisters all have their birthdays within a few weeks of each other, so what's a better way to celebrate than with birthday photos?

Makenzie just turned 7 years old. I think she had fun being a little model.

Bethanie's little 3 year old self has the funniest expressions. I think she might be the family comedian.

And sweet Rosalie is having her first birthday!

Bayzi {Lubbock, Texas First Birthday Photographer}

Bayzi turns one!!! I was so thrilled when Jaymie decided to drive up the Lubbock so we could do some one year photos of little Miss Bayzi. It was pretty cold here in mid January, so we opted to try them inside. We talked about doing banners and this and that, but we decided to keep it simple and use lots of white. Oh, and am I in LOVE with all this white!

Jaymie brought this dress that had been in their family for over 100 years. It's SOOO perfect!! And my sister had made this little lace bonnet. Aren't they adorable on her??

I love watching "my newborns" grow. Here's some photos from her FIRST photo session.

I decided to try to make a bonnet the night before they came. It was really fun designing one. I kind of felt like I was in the 19th century. Well, if they had had hot glue guns in the 19th century anyway.

The doll bed was one that used to be my aunt's. And the quilt was made by my grandmother. Lots of vintage in this photo.

Bayzi took this modeling gig pretty seriously. Then we brought out the cake. She did NOT like having her hands dirty and she did NOT like the cake. I can not for the life of me figure out why. I ate quite a bit after she left. YUM!!

Being wet isn't fun either, apparently.

And, of course, we can't forget big sisters and big brother. Such a fun afternoon!

Roten Boys ~Lubbock, Texas Children's Photographer~

I was pretty excited to meet up with these two guys again. Riley's my buddy and I hadn't seen Maddox since I did his newborn photos!

Maddox is such a smiley little boy.

So I might be a little behind on blogging. This was obviously taken before Christmas.

But I couldn't leave this one out! I told you, you'd love being a big brother, Riley!

Williams Family ~West Texas Family Photographer~

Recognize all those boots? Well, of course, it's the Williams family! I think Jaymie has a tradition of getting a boot shot photo on all her Christmas cards.

Oh my darling, Shyne, well, her name says it all.

I think Aryna is taller than me, now. And she's 11!!

And my boys, of course, adore Wyatt. Such a man's man. He told me he has 3 girlfriends.

My sweet Bayzi is growing so fast. I can't wait to post her 1 year photos!

They are one of my favorite families from my home town!! I'm so honored to get to photograph them.

Going through these photos made me smile, but now I'm missing my friend. Expect lots of text this week, Jaymie!!

Hazards ~West Texas Family Photographer~

Yes, those clouds are real, folks. But that didn't stop us from getting the Hazard family portrait session in. To Fort Concho it is!

Isn't George just a doll!

Ella had a little game that she played. She'd only give me serious looks when I had the camera out, but as soon as I put it away, she'd start giggling. She didn't know that the serious looks are my favorite anyway.

But we managed to get a couple smiles out of her!

Jason Turns One ~Lubbock, Texas Children Photographer~

Let me introduce you to this cutie pie, Mr. Jason who just recently had his first birthday!!

For Jason's one year photo session, his family and I met up at the one the parks here in Lubbock. I'm so glad his whole family were able to come. It's great to be able to squeeze in some family portraits, too.

Let me tell you, Jason is one serious little fella'.

But I did get a little smile out of him.

I can't resist the crying photos! Mom ran to the car to get some wipes and he was not happy about her leaving.

Jordan Kids Christmas ~Lubbock, Texas Children's Photographer~

Welcome to our Christmas Pajama Party with the Jordan kids!!

No Christmas party's complete without some cookies and milk.

This photo took a little Christmas magic to come together (when I say magic, I mean photoshop). Everyone smiled for me, just not at the same time. But I was determined to get them all smiling in a photo, so Photoshop and my mad skills to the rescue.

Merry Christmas, Jordans!!