Monica's Maternity Session ~Lubbock, Texas Maternity Photographer~

There's just something beautiful about a pregnant belly! I don't know if it's the anticipation of a new adventure on the horizon or the miracle that there's a little baby growing in there, but I just LOVE it.

I was crazy flattered that Monica, an amazing photographer herself, asked me to do some maternity photos for her. I was even more ecstatic that she was happy to try them in my home studio!

I'm totally digging her sleeve. What a pretty momma!

Laryn's Maternity ~Lubbock, Texas Maternity Photographer~

My friend Laryn is expecting her little boy any day now and I'm so honored to share with you her beautiful maternity session.

Laryn is an AMAZING photographer (my hero) and I was flattered, nervous, but so excited to do her maternity photos. I drove out to her studio in Sudan and we just played all afternoon. It was fun hanging out with a girlfriend while she let me try some new things. AND I'm so stoked on how this session came out.

Doesn't pregnancy look beautiful on her?


Laryn's going to have plenty of help with her new little one. I think the whole family is excited to meet him.

Thank you so much for allowing me to be a small part of this pregnancy. I can't wait to meet your little boy!!

Joanna ~Lubbock, Texas Maternity Photography~

Joanna and Jayson are expecting their first baby any time now. I can't wait to meet their little one.

I have so many favorites from this session. It was really hard to narrow down which ones to share.

The sky was cloudy that night, but not all that colorful. I took some silhouette photos into lightroom and played around with all the colors until I found some I liked. I absolutely LOVE the way this one turned out.

Chasity's Maternity Session ~ Lubbock, Texas Maternity Photographer~

I just adored this maternity session. And apparently, it's just as hard to pick my favorite photos for this blog post as it was for their gallery.

Their little man was just born last week. I can't wait to meet him when we do his baby pictures.

Doesn't Chasity makes motherhood look fabulous?

Keenan & Jancee ~Lubbock, Texas Maternity Photographer~

Jancee and Keenan are expecting twins!!

Jancee has been on bed rest for her little boys, Jack and Sam, for a while now, so she suggested we do her maternity session at her home. I wasn't too sure how I'd go about doing it, but I absolutely LOVE the way these turned out. I can't wait to do another at home maternity session. Any takers?

Don't they have the most adorable house?

Such a cute couple! I have a feeling they are going to have some beautiful babies!

Can't wait to meet you, Jack and Sam!!

Tiffany Maternity ~Lubbock, Texas Maternity Photography~

Tiffany just had her little baby a few days ago, but I haven't posted her maternity photos! So here they are, James and Tiffany anticipating little Lillian's arrival.

Lillian's coming this week for her newborn session. She's a St. Patrick's Day baby so I'm trying to scheme up some St Patrick's Day ideas. (I'm secretly hoping she has mom's red hair.)

Congratulations, James and Tiffany!! I can't wait to meet your new little one!

Collins Family ~West Texas Family Photographer~

This was my last session on this trip to San Angelo. With all the crazy rain all weekend, we decided to delay this session until Sunday morning. There was lots of mud to watch out for, but the sun was gorgeous. Oh, how I had missed the sun!

Kylie is expecting boy #2 any day now!

Jonah's going to love having a little brother!

Bryant Family ~Lubbock, Texas Family Photographer~

An extended family session!! These are always a blast. It's like being invited to someone else's family reunion. Meet the Bryants, the Bryants, and the Yarbroughs!

It all started with these three...

I meet the Bryants over a year ago when I did Leah's maternity session when she was pregnant with Carson.  They're the sweetest little family. I can't believe how big Carson is getting!

Last summer, I met Tanner's sister, Kelsey when she was pregnant. Then little Zane came along and I got to do his newborn session, too. He is such a pretty baby.

Payton is super shy, but every once in a while, I can catch a smile out of her. I LOVE those curls!

Ariel just graduated from Texas Tech and we did her senior photos just a few months ago.

I loved that I finally got to see the whole family together.