Bekah ~Lubbock, Texas Senior Photographer~

Congratulations to Bekah, 2017 Littlefield Senior!!

Bekah had already been accepted into LCU, so we thought it'd be fun to some of her session at her new campus.

She had the brilliant idea of doing some of her session with a Volkswagon van in a cotton field! SOO much fun!!

Wishing you all the best this world can bring, Bekah!!

Hadlee ~Lubbock, TX Newborn Photography~

I mentioned this idea of making a cotton wreath to Hadlee's mom hoping she had access to some cotton. Turns out, her husband's a cotton farmer and she LOVED the idea. I was beyond excited!! AND I'm THRILLED at how it turned out. I hope they do some cotton photos for Hadlee's first birthday, too.

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Even though I'm not huge on props, this Santa hat photos is seriously one of my favorites ever.

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During the session, I had this wild idea of making a hairpiece out of one of the cotton buds. So a went and grabbed my glue gun and threw it together real fast. I let mom keep it, but they left me a bunch of cotton so I can make another one. Now I just need a little girl in the studio!